Monday, January 22, 2007

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

One of Beandad's jobs is to organize and take the recyclable stuff to the recycling place. We have two bins that we sort our stuff. One bin has lovely paper and cardboard and boxes that I'm being deprived of and the other bin has empty stinky goodness cans and empty cans of undetermined stinkiness. Beanmom doesn't let me taste that stuff and she doesn't even let me stick my face in the bin to smell what's in it.

Here I am checking to make sure that the paper that Beandad shredded is all in the bag. You can't be too careful these days.


At 11:06 PM, Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

I *love* shredding day!

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are doing a good job of inspecting that paper. Do you get to play with any of it before it goes out of the house?

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Piggy and Grover said...

You are very environmentally friendly!

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooh - shreddy paper is fun to play in and sleep in!

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Susie said...

We gots a "cross-cut" shredder - it' just a bunch of confetti when we gets to it - not as much fun as your shredded paper!

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Zeus said...

You're so environmentally conscience, Miss Mia. We don't do that here, but perhaps, we should. Maybe you could come visit and provide an in-service on recycling so we know how to do it properly! :)

At 7:42 PM, Blogger Just Ducky said...

Mum does the cycling thing too. Every week the plastic goes out with the newspaper.


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