Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Me and the mom

It's just me and the mom fur the next few days. My beandad has gone on a trip. I hope he has a good time. Good luck beandad! I know mom will miss him while he's away so I have extra snuggles for her. I like it sometimes when it's just mom and me. We have girl time together and it's fun.


At 5:05 PM, Blogger Fat Eric said...

Girl time...do you varnish each other's nails? Or just watch TV in your pyjamas while eating ice-cream?? Have fun! (when my dad goes away, my mum and I watch all the old musicals he hates!)

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Just Ducky said...

Have fun with your mum PMB. Mum time is always special. Purrrssss.

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We get away with murder when Dad is away. You know that old saying: "When the Dad's away, the cats will play" - right?

At 9:48 AM, Blogger The Crew said...

Oh I enjoy time with my Mom, too. Since I'm the only girl with 2 brothers, I'm the second Lady of the House!


At 10:51 AM, Blogger Kukka-Maria said...

One on one time with your Mom is the best. I don't have a beandad with whom I share my mom, but I do have a fur brother...

UGH! Brach! Let me snuggle with mom on my own for once!!


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