Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lazy day for me

I just got in from going for a walk with beanmom. I love going outside on my leash. I was taking a nap and beanmom came over, called my name and showed me my leash. I jumped up and immediately said, "Yes, please!".

We went for a lovely walk outside. I had lots of grass to munch on. I saw 4 different woofies and the Squirrell Revolution kept throwing pecans at us. I need to speak to my friend Mr. Scott Squirrel about this. I think it's very rude of the Squirrel Revolution to be throwing anything at beanmom and I, don't you?

I will be 'laxing with Mango this evening and my beans of course. Beanmom says thank you very much for all the good wishes. She really appreciates it. She says that our cat community is really fantastic. I think so too. ::purrs::

I have one announcement today as well, in case you didn't know, Max is asking for anycat who wants to participate to write a story that will be included in an anthology written by all of us amazing poodies. Clicky here for details. The book will be published and any profit will go to an animal charity that is yet to be determined. I think it's a cool idea and I'm gonna write something.

I'm going to be published. On paper. Cool!


At 9:00 PM, Blogger Just Ducky said...

I know a title for your story.

"Derby and the Princess"

It begins "Once upon a time...."

You like? I thinks I am going to work on my adoption story to update it. Also maybe send some of my haiku in too.

Have fun 'laxin with Mango.

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Momma says everytime I go in the Big Out, I eat grass and then wait to come inside to puke it up on the carpet; so I dont go out much. Yes, that was most rude, but squirrels are like that sometimes, and they chatter too much, usually about silliness.

Patches Lady

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Kukka-Maria said...

I keep wanting to go out on a leash. My mom says, "With your luck, Kukka, you'll come home with fleas!


At 5:10 PM, Blogger Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We don't haf to go out on a leash cos we lives in the country an it's safe furr us. We walks round the fields and our mum often comes wiv us, and we looks furr mousies to give to her.We don't like the squirrels cos they go in the tree and steal the birdies peanuts.

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe that book could haf summa the really great songs that effurrybuddy's been writin?

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Rascal said...

I used to have a leash but it was too scarey to wear. Mom said I walked around like I had a full diaper.

Maybe the Squirrels are trying to start a war on the Cats and that's why they're throwing pecans at you.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Zeus said...

Those squirrels have gone too far when they attack your human pet. I think you should go out there and take matters into your own paws! Teach 'em a lesson, Princess Mia! RAWR!


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