Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Nap of naps

So I know I said that I was going to have extra special mom and me time yesterday, well, here's what happened. The mom came home early and I was happy to see her. We played around and she gave me some good scritches and then the octopus came out. I put the bite on that octupus real good. Then it was time to take a quick nap before dinner, so I went to find a good napping spot. Mom started to fix dinner. Hers and mine. Then it was dinner time and I had some crunchy goodness. I went to check the back window for intruders. All was clear. It was time to take a nap, while mom said she was going to watch the singing show on TV. I found a good napping place in the bedroom on the bed on my beandad's t-shirt. I started to have a bath and then gotted real sleepy. My quick nap turned into one of those luxurious waves of deep sleep that just knock you out. I curled up on my beandad's t-shirt and that was it. I dreamed I was curled up on his chest like I do after dinner when he's here.

A little while later, I heard the mom come looking for me. I barely remember her coming into the room and going out again. After a while, I gotted up from my nap and did my stretches. She heard the tags on my collar clinking and she called my name. I wented into the living room and jumped on he lap and did some bread and butter. And then I felt sleepy and my purr thing was going and took another nap on mom. She said something about it being about time. Silly beanmom. They can be so needy sometimes, dontcha think?


At 6:57 PM, Blogger Just Ducky said...

Sounds like you gotted a good rest PMB. I loves to curl up with mum too. But times she gets so restless that I don't sleep with her.

At 11:30 PM, Blogger Max said...

Yep, people are needy, but sometimes it's worth the effort. Once in a while. In a blue moon...

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

Our bean dad has been going away a lot on "business" and we miss him then too. But we can sleep on his side of the bed & not get kicked when he's gone...

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Fat Eric said...

You got BUTTER??? That's so unfair! Can I come and live at your house?

At 8:50 AM, Blogger PrincessMia said...

Eric, I didn't get butter, I did bread and butter which is when I tread or knead my beans. It makes them feel good, except when I get em with my nails. You can still come and live with me. Mom says to bring crumpets and Time Outs. They're hard to find here.


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