Sunday, March 11, 2007
About Me
- Name: PrincessMia
- Location: Houston, Texas, United States
I'm a special tuxedo poodin' that was rescued when my "people" moved out and left me behind. Can you imagine! Lucky for me, my mom and dad decided that I was to be their poodin', even though neither of them had ever had a poodin' before. I'm glad they took me in a'cause I get lots of treatsies and crunchies and lovin' from my bean parents.
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Oh, no.......we will be right ofer with fuud. Precious and Mistrie are coming, Mittens said she wants to sleep.
I am on my way my sweety. Time to snuggle.
Can I come over? Maybe we can PARTY while the beans are away.... I'll bring food too.
YAHOO! We're on our way!
We're on our way over also!
I'm having so much fun with you guys. Thank you for keeping me company.
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