Thursday, August 24, 2006

Purrs for Spanish Luna

Everycat and bean, please send purrs to Spanish Luna. Her beanmom took her to the vet and the vet let a dog in the room and Luna ran out of the vet into the woods and is lost. I am very upset. Her beans are devastated. Please send some purrs and purrayers.


At 9:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I hope that Luna is found soon! The poor baby!

At 8:01 AM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

we is soooo mad and sad about this. we is purraying hard for someone to find Luna and help her get home.

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Zeus said...

We're hoping Luna is found soon as well. We left our sympathies and good thoughts there today. I hope Luna comes home because I can only imagine how horrible her people must feel...

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We are posting two gorgeous pichers of her tomorrow. This is way too sad for Momma, she gets all teary.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Meowers from Missouri said...

we lefted a note on lunacita's bloggie for her beans, and are purraying all the time that she comes home ok. that dorky v-e-t.

and poor victor--she's his special furrend; he's furry upset also.

patches & mittens: our She's cheeks have been wet lots the last few days for luna and brandi and now jasmine at darling millie. we thinks somethin' has pushed the catosphere a little off kilter, and we wants it stopped!! how does we do that?



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