Helping with the laundry
Well, the weekend here was one busy blur. On Sunday, I helped beanmom do the laundry and then I helped her make the bed.
I had some fun in the circular laundry basket.

After all the busy-ness, I had a short bath and a long nap.
Labels: laundry basket
Female Feline Friday

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,
Darling Millie. Millie was a living on the street when she got
hit by a car and was rescued by this dude named Malcolm. Malcolm helped Millie get all fixed up, but he couldn't keep her so he posted on his website,
Dropped In. Millie was then fostered by
Dan and eventually found her way to her
forever mom, Lynne. Her Gotcha Day was August 5, 2006.

Millie moved to New Hampshire with her forever mom. She now had a sisfur Jasmine and a brofur,
Gizzy *(pictured here), who
sadly went to the Bridge, just last week.
Millie was very shy when she first came to live in her forever home, but she's since adjusted. She loves to play and she is an amazing Titanium Kitty. She loves water, snoopervizes the Making of the
Qwilts and it's her job to learn everything, find everything, and know everything. Visit
Millie's own blog to find out more about this one year old tuxie beauty.
* This FFF post is dedicated to sweet Gizzy.Labels: Female Feline Friday
Busy busy busy
Well, bean mom is so busy lately, I've hardly had a chance to get on the computer and blog. She's always hogging the computer.
I've just zipped around trying to catch up with everycat. I didn't know about
Miss Karen Jo. I hope you are feeling better today. I'm still reading about Lilly Lu from
Mushue's blog.
William had a purrthday.
I've so much more catching up to do.
Female Feline Friday

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,
Tara, Princess Meezer. Tara is named after the Celtic Tara. Tara is a goddess and heroine in legends and myths of many cultures. She lives with her beans in Modesto, Catifornia. Tara is not yet a year old.
This sexy meezer loves ice, snoopervising her people and cuddling. Her favourite nap spot is her beanmom's lap. Tara is also a member of
The Pink Ladies. She and her bean mom made an
amazing valentine video for her sweetie pie,
She is an Olymic Calibre High Jumper and she enjoys going outside for walks with her harness.
Tara has her own blog. She also has her very own
Catster page for her fans.
Labels: Female Feline Friday
On the hunt Part II

Waiting for Mr. Mouse to show up.
On the hunt
I'm telling you. There. is. a. mouse.
I can smell it.
I am waiting for it to appear.
I will show you when it does.
I have some pictures for this but Blogger won't let me upload them. Maybe tomorrow!
Labels: mouse hunt
It's cold again
Ooh! It's cold again here in Houston folks. I keep asking to go outside to eat the grass, but beanmom keeps saying that it's too cold.
Too cold?
It's April.
At least it's not snowing or anything like that. That would be too much. So instead of going outside, I'm looking outside through the window and eating my cat grass that beandad bought from the store.
This picture is from when I first came to live with my beans in 2004.

Labels: cat grass
Female Feline Friday

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,
Cheysuli. This
super fine chocolate point Siamese lives with her beanmom in Seattle, Washington. She is a retired breeding Queen and is
running for Purresident in 2008 with her running mate, Derby Sassycat Cat.
Chey, as she is also known as, is a Pisces and is known to love to nap in the sunny window. As a kitten Chey had the misfortune of breaking her tail. She managed to remove the bandage which resulted in her tail healing with a kink. Yes, she has a kinky tail.
Chey has her
own blog, a
Squidoo page and her very own
Catster page for her fans.
Labels: Female Feline Friday
Updates to the Purrthday List
I have made long overdue updates to the Purrthday List. I have added
Yuki and Kimiko,
Bombay + Bangles + Gucci + Jackie + Cloey,
Caesar and Princess and
If you would like me to add your date or make a correction, send me an email!
princessmiabella@gmail.comLabels: purrthday list
Female Feline Friday

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,
DaisyMae Maus. DaisyMae Maus came to live with her beanmom and the rest of the clan when she was about three years old. Her Gotcha Day is December 31, 1997. She lives in San Diego, Catifornia.
This beautiful tuxedo loves her laser beam toy, cuddling with her beanmom and napping on the back of her sofa. DaisyMae Maus is also a contributor on the
Cat Blog Help Center.
She is known for her special skill of being able to say her own nickname, Maus. DaisyMae Maus
shares a blog with her clan, the Feline Americans. She also has her very own
Catster page for her fans.
Labels: Female Feline Friday
Who has a better 'roo?
I was reading
William's blog and he was lamenting the fact that he wanted to post following
Derby's Answer Cat, but instead had to do a post on
Olivia and her Kangaroo.
This got me wondering if I have a kangaroo too?
I went through all my photos and I tried to see if I had a kangaroo. What do you think? Do I have a kangaroo?

What about Tigey?

Tigey by the way, has the full and legal name of Tigerlily Bellyflap. I'm just saying.
P.S. It's Olivia's purrthday month! Happy Purrthday, Olivia!Labels: kangaroo, tummy
The rains bring the buggies
It's been raining here in Houston. A lot and a lot of rain. Some parts of Houston have flooding, but it's not bad. I like the rain because it brings the buggies. Beanmom doesn't like the rain because of the very same reason. She said that the mozzies are back. I say, "Well let them in, mom! You know I love to chase and hunt them down."

I am an expert mozzie hunter. I also hunt the
Giant Mozzie. Mom says they're not mozzies at all, but they definitely look like them. Those guys are the best to hunt.
My other favourite buggie to hunt is the Unmentionable Buggie (cockroach). Beanmom absolutely abhors those buggies and she says all kinds of rude words when she sees one. I always swoop in and save her from the terror of the Unmentionable Buggie.
It's been a while since I've had a good hunt. Buggie season is just starting in Houston, though, I'm sure I'm in for some adventures.