Today's the big day

I'm very a'cited today because
Zeus is coming to visit! It was raining here a little while ago, but the rain has stopped and I hope Zeus will be able to make it here.
Come on down, Zeus!
Read all about my
amazing visit with Zeus. We had the bestest time. It was way cool!
Intruder! part deux

This is my nemesis. Upstairs Neighbor's Cat. His name is Mr. Minor and he is majorly on my back porch.

See how he looks right at me?

Here I am, about to go blam! on the glass.

Mr. Minor gotted the message to get off my porch!
Happy Meowmorial Day

Happy Meowmorial Day to you and your beans. My beandad* is making
chicken in the barbeque and I haven't gotten any yet. Beanmom gotted some new
tofurky sausages to try. I don't know if I like tofurky, yet. All I know is beandad smells like chicken and I want some chicken.
*His shirt said "The Scorpion King", but I changed it to "The Chicken King"
Friday Bean Blogging

Here I am with my beandad. He's on the phone. I hate the phone. He always says to me, "Mia, I'm on the phone, I can't play with you right now." So I just jump right on his lap.

Special Announcement
Send healing vibes and thoughts to
Edsel's Mom. We are hoping for a speedy recovery. Extra special purrs and headbutts are being sent; tell all your friends. Tonight at 6:00 PM Pacific
The Calico Girls will have a special time where we will look to the heavens and send loving thoughts and wishes for a special lady, who needs our help. Let's join them.
Cat Olympics are coming!

The countdown begins! The Torch Relay begins on May 28! Keep yourself up to date by visiting the official
2006 Catolympics site. Beau has a really
cool countdown thingie on his site.
I will be participating in the Torch Relay and the following events:
Here's a list of all the
catathletes. Back to my work out!
See my paw poke?

Friday Bean Blogging

Beanmom does a
Friday Cat Blogging, so I thought I'd do a Friday Bean Blogging. That's me and beanmom. She wearing her new t-shirt that she gotted from
Dickens Inc. She am very excited to have it. I like it too. That's
Timmy on the shirt. I have my paws on him like I'm holding on while he's flying!
about the box and the books
I'm enjoying my
books by Max. The mom has been reading to me effurry day when I'm not in my box. The mom did some re-modeling for me and installed some windows or paw pokes as I like to use them to poke a paw through. So much fun.
I gotted a box

And it's huge.

And all mine.
Looky! Looky!

Look what the beanmom gotted for me!
For me!
I'm soooooooooooo a'cited.
Will you read it to me mom?

Sign my petition to Keep Victor Free!
Keep Victor Free
Victor didn't (mean to) do it!Keep Victor
Sign my petition to keep him free. Save Victor!
Mousie or Nip?

Beanmom gotted a free mousie with the flea medikashun from the vet.

She was gonna put some nip on the Mousie.

That's OK mom, I'll take the nip straight from the bag

Gimme that nip!

Hey, how'd the Mousie get in the Nip bag?
Another thing
Oh! If it's not one thing, it's another. Beanmom said she saw a flea on me. A FLEA! I am Princess Mia Bella of the Order of the Tux Ee Doe. I
do not get fleas. The nerve! I
know I got fleas from being examined in the
dog side room at the stabby place. Dogs always have fleas, don't they?
I'm terribly embarassed by all of this but I decided to blog about it as a warning to effury cat. Fleas are upon us and we must take all necessary precautions to prevent them from hitching a ride on our furry selves.
Beanmom gotted some Frontline Plus and she's said that I will be having a bath. Soon. Very soon. Beware the fleas, my fellow poodins!
There's a LIZARD in the house!
I got it!
I got it!
Beandad took it away. No fair, that was my lizard. I got it.
I guess I'm back to normal now. Thank you everycat and furry and everybean for all your concern and good vibes.
Update from the Mom
Mia is doing better today. I didn't like the way she reacted to the appetite stimulant, cyproheptadine, becoming dazed and groggy and zonked out. She did start eating, but I'll be checking with the vet on whether to continue giving it to her. She seems to be getting back to her regular self this morning. Official Morning Litter Cleaner (beandad) informed me that she pooped and then pooped again after he cleaned the litter the first time. She likes a clean box, this one. I had left some crunchy goodness out over night, and she ate half of that. I put down a can of stinky goodness for her this morning and she went straight to it. She didn't eat it all in one sitting, but kept coming back to it. She's never been a big fan of stinky goodness until now, so I need some recommendations from you guys. The vet recommended Fancy Feast. What's good nutrtition wise and what are the favorite flavors? Thanks all.
Mom of Mia