Oh joy!
Lots of announcements!
First, Happy Purrthday or Gotcha Day (I'm not sure which) to
Sanjee, Boni and Mini!
Second, Beandad is back! I missed my beandad lap time. ::purr::purr::purr::
Third, Beanmom got the job from the beans at Company #3! She is soooooooooo relieved. Concatulations, Beanmom, I knew you could do it! Today is her last day at her job and she starts her new job on Wednesday. She is very excited about the whole thing. Thanks to all the poodies and beans for sending out their superduper goodluck kitty vibes. It works!
The Full Report
Date: 29 July, 2006
1143 hrs I am practicing yoga when I notice someone walking to the front door. Beanmom gets up and opens the door.
1144 hrs In walks a female bean I have never seen before, but yet smells strangely familiar. I saunter over to inspect this bean.
1145 hrs She immediately starts a scritching bombardment, for which I am more than happy to hover around to receive. She's a pretty good scritcher.
1146 hrs Beanmom and Female Bean aka Zeus's Lady Pet (ZLP) sit down and start chatting. I sneak over and start sniffing ZLP's feet to see what she's all about. I find her acceptable and rub my stink on her pant leg.
1148 hrs Beanmom and ZLP move around the house, they eat and gab and do the things that beans do - all of which I find incredibly dull. I hover around nearby in case any scritches are forthcoming. I try to see what they're eating but all my efforts to get on the table are thwarted. Hmph. I clearly remember that Zeus
gets to go on his table.
1422 hrs Beanmom and ZLP go outside to sit on the deck. No fair. I want to go outside too. Hello? Meow? Miao?
1517 hrs they come inside, but just to get another drink and then they go back outside. pfft. This sitting on the deck nonsense goes on for quite a while until they come back in and give me more scritches.
1622 hrs ZLP stops scritching me and says she has to go home to Zeus and Isis.
Poodies and beans, that is the full report. I do not have any photographic evidence that documents the visit as the camera (flashy thing) is missing along with Beandad.
Oh my gosh!
You are not going to believe who is at my house right now. Oh my gosh! It is Zeus's beanmom! She is right here! She smells fantastic and gives the most divine scritches! I put my stinky rub on her immediately. She and beanmom are sitting on the deck right now. I don't think that's very nice. Why can't I be out there too? That'll be another thing to add to my list. I must go back to watching them.
Letter to the Beanmom.
Dear Beanmom,
Thank you for taking me in and giving me a home and a family. I will be eternally grateful to you for that. However, now that I am a member of said household, I feel the need to reiterate certain points. Certain basic kitty rights, if you will.
- I need Fancy Feast in the mornings followed by and preceeded with ample scritchings.
- I need to chase plastic ring things at any time of day or night; preferably at night.
- I need scritches at 1800hrs followed by the Chase Mia Around the House while Making Sounds like Donald Duck Game. I need more scritches after that.
- You are not allowed to be gone from the house for more than 10 hours a day. I believe you went missing yesterday for 14 hours. I don't believe you when you say you were "working". If you work like that, how is it that you are about to be jobless? I think you need a better excuse.
- Where is beandad? He didn't come home yesterday with you even though he left with you. As you know, this has royally screwed up my routine. I need my beandad and his lap for scritches.
Please take note, my list is very short and I don't believe my demands are too much to ask for. I expect to see you today at 1800hrs or else I might have a present for you when you get home.
purrs and headbutts,
your loving and only cat,
light of your life,
Oh the rain!
It's been raining too much. I'm stuck in the house, which is nice and dry but it's raining so hard I can't even see out the window. That's no fun.
Beanmom had her second interview today. She called and told beandad that it went very well and that she was happy. Good luck, beanmom! She had to drive around in the scary rain today. I'm glad I wasn't in the car with her! I don't like the rain but I especially hate the car.
Two Announcements
Today is a special day for
Mattingly. It's his Gotcha Day.
Happy Gotcha Day, Mattingly!Today is a special day for
Midnight, Maxie and Tuxie. It's their Purrthday.
Happy Purrthday you guys!
Did you see?
Did you see what my sweetheart
wrote for me? He is such a Sweetheart Cat.
Purrthday List has been updated
Please check your listing on the
Purrthday List and make sure it is correct. Let me know if I've missed you or if you haven given me your dates, let me know so I can add you to the list.
According to the list, today is Pandora's Purrtday!
Happy Purrthday, Pandora!!
We're reading you DaisyMae Maus!
I'm keeping this at the top in the hopes that DaisyMae reads it. New posts start right below**
We're reading your blog
DaisyMae! Don't go away, you have comment moderation on. When you sign in to your blog, go to Change Settings, then click on Comments and scroll down to where it says Enable comment moderation? and switch it to no.
I hope you don't go away, don't be discouraged, we're reading you, but we can't see our comments because comment moderation is on.
I could eat it all

Looky! Beanmom gotted me a big bag of food and she was going to put it in the container thing, so she poured out the food that was already in the container thing and I rushed in the kitchen to eat it. Of course I was gonna eat it, what else was I gonna do? She poured the new food in the container but there was too much food, so she had to leave some in the bag and then,
and then, she poured the food in the bowl that I was eating from into the container. Excuse me, beanmom, but I was
eating that.
Beans at home
Both my beans were at home during the day today. Beandad is off right now. He works with, um troubled little beans, but they're on school holidays now, so he's been at home. Beanmom was at home because she had another one of those interview things. She was not doing too much of the sitting, walking, sitting, standing thing she usually does when she had those interviews before. She said that the beans were very nice and they told her that they would let her know next week if they want her to come for, you guessed it, another interview.
Paws are crossed.
She is still waiting to hear back from the other beans. Paws are crossed for that one too.
Sophia has tagged me to do the
iPod meme but I don't have an iPod. I told the beanmom that I'm probably the last poodie without an iPod but she wasn't impressed. What does she know? She doesn't have an iPod either! I'm tagging Timmy in my place a'cause he said he wanted to do it. Any one else is welcome to do it too.
Spreading the Word
To everybean and everycat, please visit
Oreo and
email his beanmom if you want to help
Brandi and her mom.
Brandi's mom is out of her job right now and is looking hard for a new one. She's having some troubles and if you can help, please do.
I'm also worried about my beanmom because her job finishes on July 31 and she's looking hard for a new one, too. She has a new interview with some new beans tomorrow. She's still waiting to hear back from the beans that interviewed her at the beginning of this month, but she said that they told her it would be slow and it might be a little while before they got back to her.
Poor beanmom is pretty stressed out but I've been giving her extra loving and purrs and bread and butter.
Don't forget, please visit
Oreo and
email his beanmom if you want to help
Brandi and her mom.
Happy Bloggaversary Kukka Dahling
For the Empress, I present a crystal chandelier.
muah, muah.

The Mom here, I'm blogging in Mia's place as she is clearly incapacitated. This is how I found her. I thought to myself,
"Oh my gosh! Mia! Are you OK? She's fainted clear away"
*turns to look at computer and sees what caused Princess Mia to faint*

"Holy Cow! That is one giant tuna!"
Zeus has the
most fantastic adventures!

Beanmom snapped a picture of me admiring my
Sweetheart Cat. Isn't he the cutest?
I love Mistrie.
Hi everycat, I'm back from visiting Mistrie and we had the
bestest time. We had so much fun and I'm pooped right now. I'm going to take 14 naps to recover. Purrs to CalicomomToni and Patches and Mittens and their Beandad for making it such a wonderful visit for me and Mistrie. Thank you.
Off to visit Mistrie.
Hi everycat. I've been thinking about visiting
Mistrie. And I just decided that I'm a go visit her this weekend. Sometimes you just need to get away from all the hustle and bustle and spend some quiet time with a good friend.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Oh the kaboomies were bad last night. And they lasted sooo long. I don't know why beans like such loud noises. It's back to peace and quiet now in the neighborhood. Mango and I are watching the birdies feast after all the rain.
Kaboomies are happening right now and they won't stop. I don't like these kaboomies!
Happy Fourth.
Happy Fourth, y'all. Be safe!
My new trick

Mango here! Looky what Mia taught me! It's a new trick ( called "jump on beandad's lap as soon as he gets on the phone") and it's way cool.
Poor beandad, now he doesn't have a hand to hold the phone wif a'cause his hands are full of poodins!