Mango meets Snuff

Mango here! Mia said I could post in her place. We've been getting along great. I didn't know when I got here but she has a pet woofie. His name is Snuff and he is from Dallas. He's very 'laxed for a woofie and he understands that butts are not to be sniffed without first getting to know a poodie.
Houston is furry different from Whiskonshun but I like it. I've been spending my daytimes watching birdies and squirrels with Mia and my nighttimes playing catch and mousie with her. Mia is teaching me a new trick called "jump on beandad's lap as soon as he gets on the phone". We are having a great time. Love and purrs to my foster beanmom and foster brother
Derby! My new forever beanmom and beandad are very nice and I like them. Have a furry good weekend everycat and bean!
Quiet Time

Yesterday beanmom and I had a talk. She said that she was very upset about what happened and I was too. She said that she felt ashamed at being associated with people that would do such horrible things. She knows not everyone is like that. I told her she could be associated with beans like 5-Cat Style and The Flyer who do so much to help poodins as well, not just mean people. There are mean people in America too, like the people who moved out and left me behind even though they told my (now) beanmom that they were coming back for me. They left me behind and didn't come back.
Thank you for all your kind words. The beans who need it the most are Melissa and Charissa. We are worried about Gucci and we feel like we have overstepped the boundaries by interfering in family matters. We know that 5-Cat and Flyer are doing the best job they can and we thank them.
For the poodins who didn't know, beanmom is from Singapurr and she has her own
My heart is broken in two
Beanmom and I read the worst news from
5-Cat Style and the Flyer. Beanmom is very angy and crying. She said it makes her ashamed to be from Singapurr.
We are very sorry and will say a purrayer for sweet innocent Tiffy.
The Squirrels
The squirrels are behaving themselves today. Mango and I are watching the birdies outside. It's a very sunny day with lots of birdies in the air.
Beanmom says that she had a phone interview yesterday with another ladybean called a recrewter. The ladybean said that she would pass beanmom's information to the actual beans, a guybean, who are advertising for the job and that they would get in touch with beanmom directly. Ladybean said that guybean might be slow, but that he would be in touch. It all seems very complicated but beanmom is positive. Thank you for your good kitty vibes.
Squirrel Revolt
Beandad said that the squirrels were rioting outside the front of the house today. There were 5 of them that were running up the tree in front and they all fell out of the tree.
At the same time.
Beandad said that he thought they were trying to get him, so he had to run to his car. I need to talk to Mr. Squirrel to see what's going on. I can't have rogue squirrels attacking my beandad.
Sunday 'laxing

Beanmom says thanks for all the purrs, she is feeling better today. We're having a quiet day inside. I'm keeping my beans company and practicing my cattricks.
Beanmom news
My beanmom has been waiting to hear from the beans who were interviewing her. She finally heard from them today and they didn't offer her the job and she is furry sad. She has been applying to lots of other places, but nobody has called or emailed her for an interview yet. I'm going to look after her this weekend with beandad. Send purrs.
Playing Box with Mango

I'm having so much fun with Mango, I just can't stop playing with her. I'm showing her how to play box. She is so fun and smart and I love listening to her stories about Whiskonsin and Derby and his beanmom.
This picture is for
Mrs. Sniffles. She loves boxes, just like me.
Playing with Mango

I love you, Mango!
The Mango has landed.

I gotted a big box in the mail. I just had to rip it open.

PMB: oooh, what's that?
PMBM: It's Mango, honey.
PMB: I think it's Mango, mom.
PMBM: Yes, Ms. Mia.

Saying hi to Mango and putting my stink on her.

Checking out the box.
Derby wrote me a lovely card from him, Vir-ginger and his beanmom Janet. Thank you for the lovely gifts. I'm thrilled to have them. I will take very special care in looking after Mango. I've always wanted a sisfur and now I have one.
Wait, there's more!

There's something there, what is it?

Mom! there's some treats in here! Mom!

Derby sent me flowers! He is such a sweetheart. He's my Derby Sweetheart Cat. ::purrrrrrs:: I also gotted some rattly mice and a fuzzy ball which are awesome! I've hidden the ball already and I broked the tail of one of the mice but he's OK!

'laxing with Mango.
sports meets and meet-ups
Well I think I'm all recovered from my thrilling
Catolympic Weekend. The facility was world class and the hosts were more than the best. They were the bestest! The games were so a'citing to watch and the events that I participated in were fierce. The weather was wonderful at the Catolympics even though it rained lots with loud kaboomies in Houston. I'm glad I wasn't here. I had a great time chatting with my poodin friends, many of whom I was meeting for the first time. I spent some special time with Mistrie who is a truly wise and sensitive poodie. I hope to be able to visit with Mistrie more often.
When I got home on Sunday, beanmom and beandad were very happy to see me. Beanmom said that she had gone on Saturday morning to meet with Zeus' Human Pet!
Princess Mia Bella: You wented to meet Zeus and his Beanmom? Without me!
Princess Mia Bella Mom: Zeus wasn't there, Mia, just his beanmom. You were at the Catolympics, dear.
PMB: I could've still met his beanmom and put my stinky rub on her.
PMBM: Well, I gave her a hug, so maybe some of your stink transfered to her.
PMB: Nobody puts the stinky rub on things better than me.
PMBM: That's true, Princess.
Beanmom said that Zeus' beanmom is very nice and does like coffee and didn't faint once. I hope that I'll get to meet her too. I'm ready to put my stink on her.
Happy Beandad Day!

World's Bestest Beandad, evah!
Tuckered out

I'm tuckered out after the Catolympics. I didn't medal in any of my events but I did get an honorable mention. I'm gonna get a medal next time!! It's time for the Nap-a-thon. Special thanks to The Calico Girls and their super Beanmom, Toni, who worked furry hard on efurry detail. ::purrs:: to all the organizers and participants.
Off to the Catolympics
Now that beanmom is home, I'm off to the
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics.
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics.
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics.
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics.
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics.
I'm off!
Today's the day II
Catolympics starts today! Today! I will be teleporting over and I can't wait. Today is also the day for beanmom's second interview with the new beans. Good luck beanmom! She's doing the same kind of stuff she did for the last one, walking around, sitting, standing, walking, making me tired. I wish she would just find a spot like I do.
Oh! she's on the move again, I have to see what she's up to now.
::Update from the mom::
Thanks everyone for all the good vibes. I am confident that the interview went well. I had to take a test along with it, and I am
confident hopeful that I did well. It's one of those subjective type things. It's up to my interviewers now. Mia or I will let you know as soon as I hear anything. They said sometime in the middle of next week. Fingers crossed!
Two more announcements
- Mango is on her way. Thank you Derby and beanmom!
- Catolympics starts tomorrow!
Two reports!
- Edselsmom is home!
- Today is Oreo's Purrthday!
Yay to both of them!
Is my Beanmom crazy?
So yesterday, Beanmom was acting strangely. She was on the 'puter every 10 minutes, hogging it. Then in the evening, I saw her outside in my back porch. She was talking to Mr. Minor! You'll remember him from my blog entries that have the title of "Intruder!"

Not only was she talking to Mr. Minor, but she stuck her hand in his face and he sniffed it. Then she gave him a scritch. Then Mr. Minor licked my beanmom's hand and she scritched him again. Then Mr. Minor put his teef on my beanmom's hand. I don't think he put the bite on her, just his teef, with no bite. Beanmom said, "no nipping, Mr. Minor" and then came in the house. I wanted to go through the window when he did that, but Beandad held me back.
I can't believe it. Why would beanmom talk to Mr. Minor after he repeatedly flounces around my back porch. Is she crazy? I was voicing my displeasure when she came in through the door. Silly beans.
Beanmom finally
got the email that she was waiting for all day! She gets to go meet the beans again for a second interview on Friday. Beanmom has collapsed from exhaustion. I'm not sure from what a'cause checking email is not that hard work.
It's not like
carrying the CatOlympic Torch, you know?
Beanmom here,
Thank you for all the good kitty vibes!! They're working!
All rested now
::Yawn:: ::streeeeetch::
I had a squillion naps after returning from my trip. Yesterday I was meditating all day about Edselsmom and today I saw on
Edsel's blog that she's is doing good! Yay!
My beanmom has been checking her email too much to see if she has gotted an email from the beans who interviewed her last week. She hasn't gotted one yet and she seems a bit mad (crazy mad, not angry mad) That's another reason why I haven't been able to get on the 'puter. She's been hogging it!
It's OK, beanmom, you'll get the email.
Mission Update

When I landed in Albaquirky, I still had to walk a bit to get the torch to Scrappy. The first woofie I met was Daisy who guided me to Scrappy, Badness and Tucker. We had a good time laxing and exchanging stories. We had plenty stinky goodness and lots of waters and I had many naps. Thanks guys for the great hospitality. I'm on my way home to Houston now!
Mission Accomplished
I have made it to Scrappy's and I am having a rest. I will post pictures as soon as I finish with a couple of naps or three. Thanks for all the encouragement along the way guys!

I'm here in Albaquirky and had to take a rest before heading off to hand the torch to Scrappy.

Scrappy, here I come!
I'm almost there!

I'm flying over Albaquirky right now!
I'm on my way

I'm on my way with the torch to give it to Scrappy in Mew Mewxico.

I'm going through my pre-flight check.

Taking off....

I'm on my way!
See you soon Scrappy!
Hanging out with HGL and Luna

I'm 'laxing with
Happy-Go-Lucky and Luna. They had some good Texas Stinky Goodness and lotsa cool waters a'cause it is hot here in Houston. They're resting here for the day. I'll be showing them some sights before the go back to Oklahoma. I will begin my torch run tomorow and get it to
Scrappy in Mew Mewxico on June 11.
They're here!

The torch is here!
Can't wait

The torch is coming!
The torch is coming!
The torch is coming!
So many things
Thanks to everycat for the good wishes to my beanmom. She had an interview today and she came home at lunch time to get ready. She kept walking from room to room and then she went to the 'puter and then she went to the kitchen and then she went to the bafroom and she made me tired following her from room to room. She went for her interview and came back and she was happy. She said that the people would let her know on Monday or Tuesday if they wanted her to come back for
another interview. How many interviews do beans need? Keep sending those goodkittyvibes.
Tomorrow is
Brandi's mom's interview. Good luck Brandi's mom!
Beanmom's turn
Hello to all my bean friends and poodie friends in blog land. Beanmom wanted me to let you know that she found out yesterday that it's her turn to look for a new job a'cause the company that she works for is not doing too well. Beanmom is doing OK. She has been at this place for 8 years and she says it's time. Her bosses are very nice, I met them once when they came to visit and brought me
flowers a'cause my
woofie crossed the bridge. They are helping her to find a new job if they can. She will be at her jobbie up till the end of July or until she finds another jobbie, whichever happens first. She says not that this will not interfere with my
Cat Olympics torch relay on Saturday (yay!) As luck would have it, beanmom was able to talk to a lady yesterday who wants to interview her tomorrow. I'm sending good kitty vibes to the lady so that she will like my beanmom.
Friday Bean Blogging

Here's my favr'it beandad. He's just had his dinner and I'm in my After Beandad's Dinner position: on his lap! I'm smelling his hands and phtew! They had some funky smell on them. I think it was vegetarian pizza.