Hello, Ms. Mia
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Purrs for Spanish Luna
Everycat and bean, please send purrs to Spanish Luna. Her beanmom took her to the vet and the vet let a dog in the room and Luna ran out of the vet into the woods and is lost. I am very upset. Her beans are devastated. Please send some purrs and purrayers.Tuesday, August 22, 2006
One Announcement
Happy Purrthday Dino!If you haven't given me you date to add to the purrthdaylist, let me know!
Monday, August 21, 2006
I can't believe it!
I am still in a state of shock! Yesterday my beans went out for dinner. That in itself, is slightly unusual, but I was not alarmed at all. It was when they came home, that I realized something was slightly amiss.They had a smell on them.
A smell.
In fact, two smells.
Of. other. cats.
I can't believe my beans cheated on me. I'm shocked and apalled. I had to take some time to recover, hence, I'm only writing about it now. I wasn't going to say anything, but then, I saw the photos!
Photographic evidence of their adulterous crimes.
I present to you Exhibit A.
Apparently, he's bringing SexyBack.

Exhibit B.
Note how the feline pretends to be nonchalant infront of the camera.

Exhibit C.
See beandad in the background, clearly looking enamoured by the fine feline specimen.

Exhibit D.
Look how the scandalous feline draws you in with his come hither gazes.

Exhibit E.
Ohmygosh! Is that Zeus? That face is unmistakable!

Well, um, since it's Zeus, I suppose, I don't mind. I just wish they would have told me before hand, so I wouldn't have been so traumatized by the suspected infidelity. And why are there no pictures of Isis? Perhaps because my sisfur is wise to not allow herself to be photographed by the maniacal paparazzi, a.k.a. beanmom, that follow beandad around.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Calling all SG Cats!
Beanmom gotted an email that she wanted to share with all our Singapore Cat Bloggers:CAT LOVERS TAKE NOTE!
20 August 2006
1 - 4pm
IMM Level 3 Stage Area
"Simply Irresistible" Cat & Owner Lookalike contest
Submit photos of you and your cat and stand to win attractiveprizes!
Send Name, NRIC, contact no. & photos to:
2 Jurong East St 21
#05-02 IMM Building
Singapore 609601
or Email to: contest@nine-v.com
Please help to pass the msg around! :) Thanks and see you there!
Li Ling
Mobile 9199 5161
Wow, it sounds like so much fun! Wish I could go and join in the fun!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Present from Auntie Jill

Looky, my Auntie Jill made me a present from one of the pictures that beanmom took of me. My Auntie Jill, if you remember, is the Best Scritch-Giver, evah! Thank you for my special picture. She is working in Iraq right now and I haven't seen my Auntie Jill for a while. I miss her and her magical scritches. I hope she comes home soon so I can put my stinky rub all over her. She's my favourite Auntie Jill.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I've been tagged!
5 Weird Things/Habits TagI was tagged by The Calico Girls, Eric & Flynn and Skeezix.
Here's the rules:Post 5 weird things/habits about yourself. Choose 5 people or poodies to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. I hate the doorbell, I run and hide when it rings.
2. I don't like strange beans with tool belts that come in the house.
3. I lovelovelove eating grass.
4. When beans visit, I always come out to see who they are, unless I'm napping or if they have a tool belt.
5. I like playing fetch.
I'm not going to tag any poodie or bean, but you can play along if you haven't been tagged.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Finally have my song ready!
Well, everybean and poodie, it's taken me a long time, but I finally have my song ready. I hope you like it, *clears throat*, here it is:
Its all the same, only the flavors change
Everyday it's a Fancy Feast Day
Another place where you need opposed thumbs
I'd meow all night for them to fill my bowl
I'm a poodie, on my four paws I glide
I want it dead or alive
Want it, dead or alive
Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I sleep for days
And the poodies I meet always tell the same tales
Sometimes you tell the day
By the flavor that you eat
And times when you're all alone all you do is think
I'm a poodie, on my four paws I glide
I want it dead or alive
Want it, dead or alive
I walk these halls, all my 4 paws have claws
I play for keeps, cause you bet I'll be back
I been everywhere, still I'm standing tall
I've seen a squillion faces and I've rocked them all
I'm a poodie, on my four paws I glide
I want it dead or alive
I'm a poodie, on my four paws I glide
I want it dead or alive
Want it, dead or alive
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Lazy day for me
I just got in from going for a walk with beanmom. I love going outside on my leash. I was taking a nap and beanmom came over, called my name and showed me my leash. I jumped up and immediately said, "Yes, please!".We went for a lovely walk outside. I had lots of grass to munch on. I saw 4 different woofies and the Squirrell Revolution kept throwing pecans at us. I need to speak to my friend Mr. Scott Squirrel about this. I think it's very rude of the Squirrel Revolution to be throwing anything at beanmom and I, don't you?
I will be 'laxing with Mango this evening and my beans of course. Beanmom says thank you very much for all the good wishes. She really appreciates it. She says that our cat community is really fantastic. I think so too. ::purrs::
I have one announcement today as well, in case you didn't know, Max is asking for anycat who wants to participate to write a story that will be included in an anthology written by all of us amazing poodies. Clicky here for details. The book will be published and any profit will go to an animal charity that is yet to be determined. I think it's a cool idea and I'm gonna write something.
I'm going to be published. On paper. Cool!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Busy bean
Beanmom had her first day at her new job today and she left extra early but came back at her normal time. She said she was very tired but liked the new place a lot. As long as she's happy, I'm happy. She says to thank all you guys who left her comments. She especially hopes her good luck will rub off on Brandi's mom! Thanks you guys.::purrs::